TIFS Photography Department
How do I ... Annotate my Contact Sheet?
Crop Lines
Draw on to your contact sheet print out to show where you would like to
crop your subject matter/composition
Note down any composition rules or lighting methods used in your images
Camera Settings
Using the right click and get info method find out the shutter speed, F stop,
ISO, white balance... Note these next to your thumbnails and say why these
settings were used and evaluate the success
Best and Worst
Highlight your best images by drawing a circle around them or tick and adding notes to explain why these are the most effective. Cross any images that you feel are out of focus or too dark.

Make notes on the following:
What were your intentions for the shoot?
What are the sucessful elements/ what worked as well?
What elements weren't / what didn't worked as well?
Link your work back to any artists you looked at. How well did you manage to capture elements of their work in yours?
What could you do to improve or develop your ideas from this shoot?
If you were to take these images again, what would you do to make them more suitable?
Do you believe that you have all the shots you need for the project? If not, what others do you need to take?
Once you have been and taken your shots from your planned photo shoot you will have a large number of photos, some of which will be effective and some wont. You need to explain to the viewer your thoughts via a print out of your photos, using a contact sheet.
Use the following as a guide on what to write:​
Use the guides and handouts,
these will give you guidance on how to achieve the best results.