TIFS Photography Department
How do I ...Plan my Photoshoot?
So you need to go and take a number of photos to work with, before you do this it is wise to PLAN before hand.
Answer the following questions before you take your photos:
How will your shoot show links to your researched artist/s? It could be through similar composition, use of light, visual effect etc...
Have an idea or concept for your shoot - before you do anything make sure you have an idea of what you want to capture in your shots.
What equipment and location do you want to use? Make sure you have the right equipment before you go out on your photo shoot; do you need a tripod, different lenses or spare batteries? Where do you plan to take your photos? Make sure your location is safe to shoot in and if relevant have permission to shoot there.
What lighting will you need? Will you be shooting at night, dusk or on a bright day? Will you need additional lights?
Do you need models/people? If you plan to have people in your shoot make sure you have these organised in good time before your shoot.
How will you compose your shots? Use the composition rules (click here to go to the composition rules) to help you capture effective shots. Use a range of compositions, you can choose the best later when you look at the contact sheet.
Use the guides and handouts, these will give you guidance on how to achieve the best results.